A man's hands arranging wooden blocks to spell out the word SUPPORT

You Can Now Use Live Chat To Speak Directly To Our IT Support Team

We’re constantly thinking of new methods to make it simpler for our clients to receive the IT services they require. In order to make submitting a support request even simpler and faster for you, we are happy to announce that we have included a live chat tool in our client portal.

If you follow this link, you can access the client portal and log in. When you get there, you can start a live chat with a member of our support staff. They can then begin analyzing and resolving your IT issue. If you only have a brief question, it’s also simpler to jump right into a live chat than it is to log a ticket by email or give us a call.

The introduction of this live chat service is part of our ongoing efforts to improve the quality of our IT support and shorten wait times for our customers. Live chat has proven to be a successful method for providing our consumers with the assistance they require when they need it.

Please note that the live chat feature on our main website (cardenitservices.com) is intended for sales-related inquiries. You MUST log into the client site in order to contact our support staff. Only clients can access the portal, and they must use the Microsoft Office 365 account credentials from the 365 accounts that we maintain for them. This is done for security reasons to keep us and our customers’ data secure.

When you next require our IT support skills, we’re encouraging all of our customers to use this portal and try the live chat option. Additionally, we’d love to hear your thoughts on this new feature!


Author: Jeremy Huson

Jeremy Huson is the founder and director of Carden IT Services LLC. He has nearly two decades of experience managing businesses’ IT networks and his areas of expertise are IT consultation and cybersecurity.